Name: Aurimas Stripeikis
Location: Atlanta, GA
Time Zone: UTC -5:00
Age: 15
aurimas65@yahoo.comApplying For: GM or any position needed (not developer, not good at fixing bugs)
Account name: aurimas65
Character name: aurimas
Previous experience: I've been playing Lineage 2 for about 4 years, since i was 11
, Have had my own server
Playing Time: I play everyday during holidays for 5-10 hrs/ per day, weekends 2-5 hrs
/ per day, normal days 1 hr/ per day
Joined L2Nuke: Tring to fix error, yes will soon
What I can do for the server: programing (parents both programers), addvertising
Why I should be hired: I'm honest, smart, easy to get along with, and I'm active
Languages spoken: Lithuanian, English, and some French and Russian
Proof of any work: Made a server, helped make a Website
Anything else: I could advertise this server very well
Donator?: no, could become
Do you have ventrillo?:no, could get it
Tell us about your self: I've been living in the USA for 12 yrs, i go to a private school
I would sincearly appreciate any position to this server